Monday, January 14, 2008

New Years Resolutions

As Becca and I took a week or so to take stock of our lives and try to make some goals for 2008 and beyond, one of them for me involved the blog. I know I've been negligent (at best) of updating it with my thoughts. A lot of this has to do with the fact that my writing has picked up a trait from my wife: trying for too much and not getting anything on (virtual) paper. We had a saying at FanBuzz (my previous job): sometimes it's better to get a B+ product up than to be constantly striving for the A. So while I'm not promising you a steady stream of B+ writing, I am promising that the site will be updated more often. Sometimes it may only consist of a brief thought, sometimes it'll be a book and sometimes we may just put up some pictures. But for those 3 of you who still read this, we promise new material!

I hope 2008 is off to a good start for everyone. For us we are simply hoping for your health and good luck in 2008.

See you on the interwebs soon!


1 comment:

marlynn said...

as one of the 3 people, i am happy to see the first post of the new year :) happy new year!