Monday, June 13, 2005

We're out of here! (almost)

We're ready to go!
We're ready to go!,
originally uploaded by beccabrian.

That photo says it all (check it out)....Unbelievable that we got everything organized and together and into those bags!!!

Tuesday is the big day; we leave Portland on an 8:30am flight arriving into Brussels at 8:45am local time on Wednesday.

Monday was absolute mayhem; we saw Becca’s aunt Sue off early and then proceeded to spend all day running last minute errands, dropping off the Subaru at our friend’s Cair and Luigi's horse farm (congrats again on a successful horse trial this weekend!) and basically running around in a panic all day.

The biggest disappointment of the day was the fact that we didn't get much of a chance to spend time and relax with Becca's mom. Luckily she was in the car with us as we did our best imitation of an anally organized chicken with its head cut off, so we could at least chat in between hopping in and out of the car. Our true "quality time" with her was limited to a 15 minute dinner at the local Chinese place while rushing to catch the shuttle back up to Portland. Still, Becca and she were able to take a moment to talk about how much Becca's Dad would LOVE this trip.

Brian's parents picked us up in Portland and we got to spend a little time familiarizing them with our blog before hitting the sack.

We’re both exhausted at this point; all the travel preparations have taken quite a bit out of us and led to some sleepless nights (hopefully the flight over the pond will help). That being said, we’re both excited and nervous to have the overseas portion of our adventure starting. The unknown is ahead; what it brings us we do not know but we’re ready to embrace it head on.


PS Best of luck to these guys in Omaha over the weekend.
PPS Here's another look at how not-big our packs are. This should be interesting....

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